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Are kneeling chairs suitable for any type of office?


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Kneeling Chair Benefits

Kneeling chairs are also good for pregnant women, particularly in later stages of pregnancy, as less pressure is placed on the womb. More…
Tilting the pelvis forward not only enables correct spinal alignment and posture when sitting, it also improves breathing, circulation and digestion. More…
Kneeling chairs come with different levels of adjustability, so each individual can find their optimum sitting position. More…
Poor posture is often developed from working environments that do not support proper spinal alignment, or do not fit the individual’s needs. More…
Kneeling chairs are suitable for adults, teenagers and children both at home and in the office. More…
A kneeling chair reduces muscle tension and strain and therefore reduces the risk of injury while seated. More…
Sitting with the hips higher than the knees can also increase freedom of movement and improve reach. More…
Compression on the discs of the lumbar spine is relieved by as much as 35% when seated in a kneeling posture. More…
Continued use of kneeling chairs increases muscle strength in the abdominals and back. More…
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Which Kneeling Chair is right for you?

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Q: Are kneeling chairs suitable for any type of office?

A: Most Kneeling chairs are ideal for office use, with swivel bases and height adjustable gas cylinders to meet the parameters of most workstations, as well as the added advantage of being able to roll under the desk when not in use, helping keep work areas uncluttered.

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Q: Does the 'back rest' on some kneeling chairs still support the correct posture position?

A: The back is not meant to be used continuously while in the chair, but to offer a break from the pelvic tilt position when sitting for long periods of time. It allows you to take your legs off the kneeling pad and sit with your feet on the ground, as per a regular chair.

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Q: Can I wear a skirt or dress when using a kneeling chair?

A: There are several types of frames used with kneeling chairs, and the 'step through' style of frame allows you to very simply step sideways into the chair, making it easy to use with any clothing.

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Q: I've had knee surgery recently and am concerned that it may cause me pain.

A: Despite the name, the posture of a person in a kneeling chair is not the same as kneeling on the ground. It is sometimes assumed that the knees bear most of the body's weight when sitting in a kneeling chair, but this is incorrect - the shins bear some weight for stability, but the body is still sitting, not kneeling. There should be no pressure on the knees at all.

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Q: Our whole family shares the same study - can we all use the same kneeling chair?

A: The step-through frame has 3 height settings in both the kneepad and the seat, making it suitable for children and adults alike.

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Q: Will the kneeling chair roll away from my desk if my feet aren't on the floor?

A: Not normally, but It may happen on hard floors or office mats. Some models take this into account, and incorporate weight triggered locking castors that immobilize the chair when in use. The most popular office model, the BackSaver Kneeling Posture Chair, is one type that uses these castors.

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Q: Will I be comfortable sitting on a kneeling chair all day?

A: For many people, the sitting position involves the adoption of 'new' movements. Muscles that have not been very active are put to use; and therefore you may feel a bit stiff in the beginning. Some people need an adaptation period (1 to 2 weeks), not only for the muscles, but also regarding use of the chair itself. The whole concept of the 'inclined seat' and knee cushion renders sitting and rising different from traditional chairs. No one should remain in the same posture the entire day, no matter what kind of chair is being used.

We need variation and kneeling chairs allow many different variations in posture. You can sit with both legs supported on the knee cushion, or with only one leg supported and the other stretch out. You can regulate the pressure on the shins by moving up or down on the seat, etc.

NOTE: When sitting on a kneeling chair you are still supposed to sit (not rest on your knees). The cushion is there only to provide support for the shins. Always sit first, then place both knees on the cushion.

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Q: I am 5 months into my pregnancy, and starting to feel some lower back pain. Can a kneeling chair help?

A: A kneeling chair can be a wonderful help during pregnancy, particularly in the latter stages as less pressure is placed on the womb when the angle between the trunk and thighs is increased.

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Q: What do health professionals and ergonomists think of kneeling chairs?

A: Chiropractors often quote the fact that office workers with desk jobs will suffer more lower back pain than most other people in the population, and that the best chairs to sit on are those with a forward seat tilt. Other health providers also recommend posture knee chairs for people with certain injuries or even diseases of the backbone or knees, due to the extra benefit and lumbar support this positioning provides.

Ergonomists worldwide have seen first-hand how effective the kneeling chair is in promoting good posture and back health, and promote the benefits of the kneeling chair into both office and home environments.

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Q: What is the BEST kneeling chair?

A: It is the one that feels right for you.

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Q: What is the difference between a traditional chair with a forward tilt and a kneeling chair?

A: The angle of tilt from the horizontal is greater on a kneeling chair than on a forward sloping chair, therefore transferring more upper body weight from lumbar area to the shins.

The kneeling chair would allow you to sit without sliding because of the kneeler cushion. Both sitting positions improve the return blood flow from your lower legs.

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Q: Is the pressure on the knees going to be too much?

A: It is sometimes assumed that the knees bear most of the body's weight when sitting in a kneeling chair, but this is incorrect - the shins bear some weight for stability, but the body is still sitting, not kneeling.

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Q: Are kneeling chairs a new thing?

A: Kneeling chairs were invented in Norway in the 1970s, starting with Hans Christian Mengshoel's experiments on sitting devices with support under the shins.