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Kneeling Chair Benefits

Continued use of kneeling chairs increases muscle strength in the abdominals and back. More…
Kneeling chairs are also good for pregnant women, particularly in later stages of pregnancy, as less pressure is placed on the womb. More…
Kneeling chairs come with different levels of adjustability, so each individual can find their optimum sitting position. More…
Tilting the pelvis forward not only enables correct spinal alignment and posture when sitting, it also improves breathing, circulation and digestion. More…
Sitting with the hips higher than the knees can also increase freedom of movement and improve reach. More…
Kneeling chairs are suitable for adults, teenagers and children both at home and in the office. More…
A kneeling chair reduces muscle tension and strain and therefore reduces the risk of injury while seated. More…
Compression on the discs of the lumbar spine is relieved by as much as 35% when seated in a kneeling posture. More…
Poor posture is often developed from working environments that do not support proper spinal alignment, or do not fit the individual’s needs. More…
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Chair Ergonomics

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What makes good ergonomics?

The word ergonomics comes from the Greek ergo (work) and nomos (law), and was first used in 1857. The philosophy of ergonomics in manufacturing is to design workstations that encourage healthy work postures whilst maintaining comfort and safety, and that can be adjusted to suit the individual. A chair may have multiple features, but if it cannot be adjusted to suit an individual's specific body type it will not provide the comfort and support required to allow extended use.

Kneeling chairs are ergonomically designed so they provide comfort and support for the individual. Through regular use, your back and abdominal muscles become trained to support a healthy and correct spinal alignment whether sitting, standing, running or reading. The list of possibilities is endless.

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So how are kneeling chairs different to more conventional ergonomic chairs?

Whether adopting a kneeling-like sitting position or a more traditional sitting position, ergonomic chairs ensure a level of adjustability to suit almost everyone, so you may be confident your back is supported and correctly aligned. Some people, however, are dubious about the look of the kneeling chair and believe it cannot offer the same kind of comfort and support as more conventional ergonomic chairs. Most people are pleasantly surprised once they have tried the kneeling-like sitting position.

We at Bad Backs have found kneeling chairs to be just as effective and versatile as conventional ergonomic chairs in maintaining proper spinal alignment and comfort for the individual throughout the day.

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Who recommends kneeling chairs?

Kneeling chairs are recommended by many health care professionals and government institutions around the world. WorkSafe Victoria recognizes the value of kneeling chairs in reducing back pain associated with seated work. However, as with all conventional chairs, they recommend movement throughout the day as the best prevention for back pain. Kneeling chairs meet all safety guidelines as outlined by Work cover.

Occupational Health and Safety agencies also recognize the immense benefit to posture and back pain prevention that is offered by kneeling chairs. Chiropractors and physiotherapists also recommend the use of seating, such as the kneeling chair, that allows the individual to move the spine freely while sitting.

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Where are kneeling chairs popular?

Having originated in Norway, kneeling chairs, or balans chairs have maintained their popularity in Norwegian and European markets. Australian and American markets continue to grow with the introduction of the new 5 star base and added levels of adjustability and comfort. These include the introduction of visco-elastic memory foam in the shin pads for superior comfort and back rest in models such as the QDOS Kneeling Chair to close the gap between conventional chairs and kneeling chairs.